Three new publications

A successful start in 2023 with three accepted papers:

  • Matabuena, Félix, Ditzhaus, Vidal and Gude. Hypothesis testing for matched pairs with missing data by maximum mean discrepancy: An application to continuous glucose monitoring.  Accept by The American Statistician (preliminary arXiv-Version)
    • RKHS-procedure for complex missing data scenarios
  • Dormuth, Liu, Xu, Pauly, Ditzhaus. A comparitive study to alternatives to the log-rank test. Accepted by Contemporary Clinical Trials  (prelininary arXiv-preprint)
    • Comparison of novel two-sample tests for time-to-event data when the hazards are not proportional
  • Ditzhaus, Yu and Xu. Studentized Permutation Method for Comparing Restricted Mean Survival Times with Small Sample from Randomized Trials. Accepted by Statistics in Medicine (preliminary arXiv-preprint).
    • Two-sample test procedure and confidence intervalls for the restriced mean survival time when the sample size is small.

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